To see the URL changes in the browser address bar of the live example,
open it again in the Plunker editor by clicking the icon in the upper right,
then pop out the preview window by clicking the blue 'X' button in the upper right corner.
Where you left off
Before continuing with the Tour of Heroes, verify that you have the following structure.
node_modules ...
Keep the app transpiling and running
Enter the following command in the terminal window:
This command runs the TypeScript compiler in "watch mode", recompiling automatically when the code changes.
The command simultaneously launches the app in a browser and refreshes the browser when the code changes.
You can keep building the Tour of Heroes without pausing to recompile or refresh the browser.
Action plan
Here's the plan:
Turn AppComponent into an application shell that only handles navigation.
Relocate the Heroes concerns within the current AppComponent to a separate HeroesComponent.
Add routing.
Create a new DashboardComponent.
Tie the Dashboard into the navigation structure.
Routing is another name for navigation. The router is the mechanism for navigating from view to view.
拆分 AppComponent
Splitting the AppComponent
The current app loads AppComponent and immediately displays the list of heroes.
The revised app should present a shell with a choice of views (Dashboard and Heroes)
and then default to one of them.
AppComponent is already dedicated to Heroes.
Instead of moving the code out of AppComponent, rename it to HeroesComponent
and create a separate AppComponent shell.
Do the following:
Rename the app.component.ts file to heroes.component.ts.
Rename the AppComponent class as HeroesComponent (rename locally, only in this file).
Go back to the HeroesComponent and remove the HeroService from its providers array.
We are promoting this service from the HeroesComponent to the root NgModule.
We do not want two copies of this service at two different levels of our app.
Instead of displaying automatically, heroes should display after users click a button.
In other words, users should be able to navigate to the list of heroes.
The Angular router is an external, optional Angular NgModule called RouterModule.
The router is a combination of multiple provided services (RouterModule),
multiple directives (RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive),
and a configuration (Routes). You'll configure the routes first.
The forRoot() method is called because a configured router is provided at the app's root.
The forRoot() method supplies the Router service providers and directives needed for routing, and
performs the initial navigation based on the current browser URL.
If you paste the path, /heroes, into the browser address bar at the end of the URL,
the router should match it to the heroes route and display the HeroesComponent.
However, you have to tell the router where to display the component.
To do this, you can add a <router-outlet> element at the end of the template.
RouterOutlet is one of the directives provided by the RouterModule.
The router displays each component immediately below the <router-outlet> as users navigate through the app.
Users shouldn't have to paste a route URL into the address bar.
Instead, add an anchor tag to the template that, when clicked, triggers navigation to the HeroesComponent.
Note the routerLink binding in the anchor tag.
The RouterLink directive (another of the RouterModule directives) is bound to a string
that tells the router where to navigate when the user clicks the link.
Since the link is not dynamic, a routing instructionis defined with a one-time binding to the route path.
Looking back at the route configuration, you can confirm that '/heroes' is the path of the route to the HeroesComponent.
The AppComponent is now attached to a router and displays routed views.
For this reason, and to distinguish it from other kinds of components,
this component type is called a router component.
Routing only makes sense when multiple views exist.
To add another view, create a placeholder DashboardComponent, which users can navigate to and from.
To teach app.module.ts to navigate to the dashboard,
import the dashboard component and
add the following route definition to the Routes array of definitions.
Currently, the browser launches with / in the address bar.
When the app starts, it should show the dashboard and
display a /dashboard URL in the browser address bar.
To make this happen, use a redirect route. Add the following
to the array of route definitions:
Earlier, you removed the HeroService from the providers array of HeroesComponent
and added it to the providers array of AppModule.
That move created a singleton HeroService instance, available to all components of the app.
Angular injects HeroService and you can use it in the DashboardComponent.
Get heroes
In dashboard.component.ts, add the following import statements.
We need OnInit interface because we'll initialize the heroes in the ngOnInit method as we've done before.
We need the Hero and HeroService symbols in order to reference those types.
Now create the DashboardComponent class like this:
src/app/dashboard.component.ts (class)
constructor(private heroService:HeroService){}
.then(heroes =>this.heroes = heroes.slice(1,5));
This kind of logic is also used in the HeroesComponent:
Define a heroes array property.
Inject the HeroService in the constructor and hold it in a private heroService field.
在 Angular 的ngOnInit生命周期钩子里面调用服务来获得英雄数据。
Call the service to get heroes inside the Angular ngOnInit() lifecycle hook.
In this dashboard you specify four heroes (2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th) with the Array.slice method.
Refresh the browser to see four hero names in the new dashboard.
While the details of a selected hero displays at the bottom of the HeroesComponent,
users should be able to navigate to the HeroDetailComponent in the following additional ways:
From the dashboard to a selected hero.
From the heroes list to a selected hero.
把一个指向该英雄的“深链接” URL 粘贴到浏览器的地址栏。
From a "deep link" URL pasted into the browser address bar.
The new route is unusual in that you must tell the HeroDetailComponent which hero to show.
You didn't have to tell the HeroesComponent or the DashboardComponent anything.
The /detail/ part of the URL is constant. The trailing numeric id changes from hero to hero.
You need to represent the variable part of the route with a parameter (or token) that stands for the hero's id.
You didn't add a 'Hero Detail' link to the template because users
don't click a navigation link to view a particular hero;
they click a hero name, whether the name displays on the dashboard or in the heroes list.
You don't need to add the hero clicks until the HeroDetailComponent
is revised and ready to be navigated to.
Revise the HeroDetailComponent
Here's what the HeroDetailComponent looks like now:
You'll no longer receive the hero in a parent component property binding.
The new HeroDetailComponent should take the id parameter from the params Observable
in the ActivatedRoute service and use the HeroService to fetch the hero with that id.
Add the following imports:
// Keep the Input import for now, you'll remove it later:
Inside the ngOnInit() lifecycle hook, use the params Observable to
extract the id parameter value from the ActivatedRoute service
and use the HeroService to fetch the hero with that id.
If a user re-navigates to this component while a getHero request is still processing,
switchMap cancels the old request and then calls HeroService.getHero() again.
As described in the ActivatedRoute: the one-stop-shop for route information
section of the Routing & Navigation page,
the Router manages the observables it provides and localizes
the subscriptions. The subscriptions are cleaned up when the component is destroyed, protecting against
memory leaks, so you don't need to unsubscribe from the route paramsObservable.
In the previous code snippet, HeroService doesn't have a getHero() method. To fix this issue,
open HeroService and add a getHero() method that filters the heroes list from getHeroes() by id.
To navigate somewhere else, users can click one of the two links in the AppComponent or click the browser's back button.
Now add a third option, a goBack() method that navigates backward one step in the browser's history stack
using the Location service you injected previously.
Going back too far could take users out of the app.
In a real app, you can prevent this issue with the CanDeactivate guard.
Read more on the CanDeactivate page.
然后,我们通过一个事件绑定把此方法绑定到模板底部的 Back(后退)按钮上。
You'll wire this method with an event binding to a Back button that you'll add to the component template.
Although the dashboard heroes are presented as button-like blocks, they should behave like anchor tags.
When hovering over a hero block, the target URL should display in the browser status bar
and the user should be able to copy the link or open the hero detail view in a new tab.
To achieve this effect, reopen dashboard.component.html and replace the repeated <div *ngFor...> tags
with <a> tags. Change the opening <a> tag to the following:
Notice the [routerLink] binding.
As described in the Router links section of this page,
top-level navigation in the AppComponent template has router links set to fixed paths of the
destination routes, "/dashboard" and "/heroes".
该数组有两个元素,目标路由和一个用来设置当前英雄的 id 值的路由参数。
This time, you're binding to an expression containing a link parameters array.
The array has two elements: the path of
the destination route and a route parameter set to the value of the current hero's id.
Almost 20 lines of AppModule are devoted to configuring four routes.
Most applications have many more routes and they add guard services
to protect against unwanted or unauthorized navigations. (Read more about guard services in the Route Guards
section of the Routing & Navigation page.)
Routing considerations could quickly dominate this module and obscure its primary purpose, which is to
establish key facts about the entire app for the Angular compiler.
It's a good idea to refactor the routing configuration into its own class.
The current RouterModule.forRoot() produces an Angular ModuleWithProviders,
a class dedicated to routing should be a routing module.
For more information, see the Milestone #2: The Routing Module
section of the Routing & Navigation page.
按约定,路由模块的名字应该包含 “Routing”,并与导航到的组件所在的模块的名称看齐。
By convention , a routing module name contains the word "Routing" and
aligns with the name of the module that declares the components navigated to.
The Routing Module adds RouterModule to exports so that the components in the companion module have access to Router declarables ,
such as RouterLink and RouterOutlet.
There are no declarations. Declarations are the responsibility of the companion module.
If you have guard services, the Routing Module adds module providers. (There are none in this example.)
修改 AppModule
Update AppModule
(使用 ES import语句导入,并将它添加到NgModule.imports列表)。
Delete the routing configuration from AppModule and import the AppRoutingModule.
Use an ES import statement and add it to the NgModule.imports list.
Here is the revised AppModule, compared to its pre-refactor state:
In the HeroesComponent,
the current template exhibits a "master/detail" style with the list of heroes
at the top and details of the selected hero below.
You'll no longer show the full HeroDetailComponent here.
Instead, you'll display the hero detail on its own page and route to it as you did in the dashboard.
However, when users select a hero from the list, they won't go to the detail page.
Instead, they'll see a mini detail on this page and have to click a button to navigate to the full detail page.
添加 mini 版英雄详情
Add the mini detail
在模板底部原来放<hero-detail>的地方添加下列 HTML 片段:
Add the following HTML fragment at the bottom of the template where the <hero-detail> used to be:
The hero's name is displayed in capital letters because of the uppercase pipe
that's included in the interpolation binding, right after the pipe operator ( | ).
First, move the template contents from heroes.component.ts
into a new heroes.component.html file.
Don't copy the backticks. As for heroes.component.ts, you'll
come back to it in a minute. Next, move the
styles contents into a new heroes.component.css file.
Now, back in the component metadata for heroes.component.ts,
delete template and styles, replacing them with
templateUrl and styleUrls respectively.
Set their properties to refer to the new files.
The HeroesComponent navigates to the HeroesDetailComponent in response to a button click.
The button's click event is bound to a gotoDetail() method that navigates imperatively
by telling the router where to go.
This approach requires the following changes to the component class:
从 Angular 路由器库导入Router
Import the Router from the Angular router library.
Inject the Router in the constructor, along with the HeroService.
Implement gotoDetail() by calling the router navigate() method.
Note that you're passing a two-element link parameters array—a
path and the route parameter—to
the router navigate() method, just as you did in the [routerLink] binding
back in the DashboardComponent.
Here's the revised HeroesComponent class:
我们能在应用中导航:从仪表盘到英雄详情再回来,从英雄列表到 mini 版英雄详情到英雄详情,再回到英雄列表。
Refresh the browser and start clicking.
Users can navigate around the app, from the dashboard to hero details and back,
from heroes list to the mini detail to the hero details and back to the heroes again.
You've met all of the navigational requirements that propelled this page.
The app is functional but it needs styling.
The dashboard heroes should display in a row of rectangles.
You've received around 60 lines of CSS for this purpose, including some simple media queries for responsive design.
Add a hero-detail.component.css to the app
folder and refer to that file inside
the styleUrls array as you did for DashboardComponent.
Also, in hero-detail.component.ts, remove the hero property @Input decorator
and its import.
The provided CSS makes the navigation links in the AppComponent look more like selectable buttons.
You'll surround those links in <nav> tags.
Add an app.component.css file to the app folder with the following content.
src/app/app.component.css (navigation styles)
h1 {
h2 {
nav a {
text-decoration: none;
nav a:visited, a:link {
nav a:hover {
nav {
The routerLinkActive directive
Angular路由器提供了routerLinkActive指令,我们可以用它来为匹配了活动路由的 HTML 导航元素自动添加一个 CSS 类。
The Angular router provides a routerLinkActive directive you can use to
add a class to the HTML navigation element whose route matches the active route.
All you have to do is define the style for it.
When you add styles to a component, you keep everything a component needs—HTML,
the CSS, the code—together in one convenient place.
It's easy to package it all up and re-use the component somewhere else.
You can also create styles at the application level outside of any component.
The designers provided some basic styles to apply to elements across the entire app.
These correspond to the full set of master styles that you installed earlier during setup.
Here's an excerpt: